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Ey Max; I really enjoid playing this DEMO. It was so nostalgic travel to Yharnam.

There are a few problems; 1 crash (Well, the Game get bug and "freezed"), collisions problems, some exploids and things like that.

I played while did stream. :P

P.D.: Have you a paypal or patreon for do donations? 


i enjoyed the game, just finished whats been made.  Cant wait till its done.


Congratulations on this amazing piece of software my friend! It was really well made, not only the gameplay mechanics and how well you represented each enemy behavior, but also the amazing pixel art and the representation of Yharnam. Thank you for this!

Truly amazing, this need to be turned into a whole game, I had controller issue but overall this was very good

How did you use a controller?

I used my xbox one controller, turned it on and then started the game and it worked

You have no idea how much I need bloodborne on pc, in any form, even in a top down rpg perspective. Great job, and I love your work man

Hi , I found some "problems" , so I have a questions :

Can you add a arrows on controller support , because it's a little bit difficult , when you try to use a menu , as it's like jumping.

Also some enemies can hit you even if you behind the fence . It's seems like cheating .

And what about bullets ? It's seems like they can heat someone in round zone , and that would be a random. I even hit some dogs , that were in cages.

Thank you very much for this game and best wishes. 

The dpad on my controller was working,so I assumed they all would, oops. Someone merged some code into Yarntown that ought to have added Dpad support with last night's update.

How do i use a controller?

What a wonderful surprise! Loved the game; unfortunately I didn't realize the game kept going till Gasgoigne when I was recording but I finished the game off camera. Would love to see this expanded into a full project or heck, a side story in the same universe! 



Honest, this needs to be a full game. It's amazing. Well done! Looking forward to more. 

I haven't played yet this game cause my controller (gamesir g3s) isn't supported. If you can add a general controller support it would be awesome!

While waiting for the support, I'll try to play it with keyboard (I'm not very good playing with it).



My spouse directed me to this, and I was happy that they did. I understand that this is a huge, work-in-progress style project (at least, if you're planning to re-create the whole game), so I'm not going to give 'you should add this or that' feedback, 'cause, well, you're not done yet.

The biggest things that I saw;

The bullet system was very meh, to me. I don't know if I didn't spend long enough practicing, the windows were very tight, or what, but I wasn't able to successfully parry a single enemy in the game. Not only that, but the flow of combat meant that it was relatively unappealing to pursue. In Bloodborne, you care about parrying because it stuns an enemy, provides an opportunity to do a lot of damage, and depending on runes provides a return on resources. By the end of my playthrough, my weapon was at +2, and all of the normal enemies died in <4 hits. The biggest example of this are the brick-punchy guys; ordinarily you care about their big windups because they're a dangerous slog to just spam down, but if I can drop them in relatively few hits, why risk trying to parry? I'd recommend either some animation additions (putting another animation frame or two in to provide keystone 'this is when you should be shooting' moments, sort of like the rear-up you have on the swamp crawler guys), or a visual / audio cue specifically for parrying.

Tying in to this; translating this kind of combat to 2D is difficult, and in its current form, I guess my feedback is 'why do anything fancy when you can just dodgeroll and spam?'. The dodgeroll is incredibly forgiving with its positioning, mainly because there isn't an enemy you can't just stand in front of, smack, and then roll behind. Maybe adding roll-catches to some enemies swings could help combat this being the 'ultimate solution'? This might just be a function of having a relatively limited number of enemy types. 

If we're going to be able to perform stat upgrades at any lantern, I feel like you should add the functionality for upgrading weapons, as well; that or return to the 'lantern warps' system. I don't know how feasible that is in this game engine, though. 

Getting enemies stuck on stuff was the fastest, easiest way to trivialize tougher encounters; I'd also suggest adding some kind of AI point (if possible, again I'm not familiar with this game engine) to say 'if I'm trying to move forward and not moving, move to one side to get around this obstacle'. Even if it makes the enemies predictable, it'll avoid the 'I walked in and cheesed father angry axe by standing on the other side of the gravestones directly across from him when you walk in' problem. 

Lastly - Great work! I've always loved Bloodborne, and it's exciting to see extra content in any format. I think this idea has a lot of potential, and can offer a new, unique approach to a game that I've loved for years. You're doing really well, and I can't wait to see where this goes.

(2 edits)

Hey, Max! (I don't know Englisch very well) 

I have still play in your game, and it's awesome!

But i have found one problem

When i kill Gascoune, he has stuck in down left baricade and i have kill him

i post the Photo

P.S. I have played in Original Bloodborne, and please continue the Game

just killed gascoigne before the coolest part of music, had to download it from github
god I love that game
it has same cool things as original like teleporting dogs and stacking between boxes and air
also, it does some things even better than bb, like rolling on ladders, so satisfying

just wonderful. please make more like this. it was so beautiful designed and i had lot of fun while playing. keep up this great work.

Thanks! I am making a whole lot more quite like this, I've a game called Ocean's Heart wrapping up development and should be out relatively soon. Yarntown was just a fun side project lol

Hello. PLEASE continue this game. What you created is incredible and preserves the essence of two incredible games. I'm Brazilian and I would like to know if I can bring videos about your game to my channel.

Yeah, feel free!

Great job! 

Bug report: Father Gascoigne didn't fight back – he just stood there, seemingly frozen, just by the gate I entered from.

(1 edit)

This is a great game and really captures the essence of Bloodborne! I spent about an hour playing it, but I ran into a small bug. After killing Father Gascoigne, I was standing directly over the lantern spawn, and so my character got stuck until I communed with the dream.

Haha, how unlucky. I'll make a note, thanks for reporting.

This is awesome! Totally captures the essence of Bloodborne, and does it in a fun way. Hope there's more to come!

(2 edits)

Can someone help me ??

I have this problem

Yarntown has stopped working

did it even launched once? You have to unzip it before playing
also, what OS is this? Looks like 7 on drugs

Yes, it's Win7, I left it with that look for better performance

Yeah, you do need to unzip the whole directory to run the exe. If you still have problems, try downloading the launcher from and running the data.solarus

Thank you very much, it worked here

Leave the hooting of hoonters to me !


I just beat the Cleric Beast and I'm really excited to see the rest of the game and more content added! My only request right now is to be able to teleport back to the Dream for upgrades!

I look forward to more content!

meets free

(1 edit)

Please please please continue to develope this game!

dude ur game totally kicks ass nice work! 

This is a massive longshot but do you have any relatives who are music teachers?

Not to my knowledge! But I do love music, and music education is super cool and important!

It is a very good game I recommend it but it has many
errors and could have much more content


Fantastic Game so far!!! Few bugs but great! Thumbs Up, Be good if you could do it on mobile devices!

I second the desire for a mobile version.

Overall well done, the art, enemy ai, music, the level design is a fantastic work in tribute to the original game. 

However, just want to point out there are few occasion where the enemy stuck in the fence and stop going after the player, but so far that's the only issues I find.

Keep up the good work, hope the best for the continuation and improvement of this project.


Hola, en el juego hay un bug con el Padre Gascoigne, y es que se queda detrás de una tumba y no ataca ni se mueve, lo que resulta una forma facilísima de matarlo, digo porque terminó costandome mas el camino de ida que el jefe en sí.

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Happened to me too. In fact, there are many places where this happens in the entire game. Enemies will get stuck on walls and just stay there, allowing you to hit them endlessly.


Do you mean after enemies get stuck on a wall, they remain stuck even if the wall is no longer between you and them? Just fixed that for Gascoigne but I haven't seen it on other enemies.

If they're just trying to walk straight toward you and can't get past a wall, yeah, they're a little dumb lol. Would need to write a pathfinding algorithm and haven't.

(2 edits)

yeah, not really "stuck" as in "unable to leave," they just don't pathfind around them. That's not a big problem, but it does make fights easier to cheese.

Im enjoying the game a lot. But I would like to know if you could fix the 2 boss because he got stuck on a tree and stopped attacking me.

Confirm, got my version of this boss stuck on the same tree (but from the bottom).

It happened to me, too. The boss attacked once, then just froze until he was dead.

Super weird, I'll look into this.

I got this fixed, if you download the new files he won't be stuck anymore.

What is going on?

Welcome to Yarntown my dude.


That's how it's always been, you must have just gotten enough insight to see the truth recently.

jk, I dunno what's going on with that. I'll try and figure it out, what kinda OS and graphics card are you using?

Windows, 1050

(1 edit)

Hi mate, just had the same problem.... Just run the game with Solarus and before click Play just go to "Video" and check "Force Software" ;)

Thank you.


AMAZING!!! easily one of the best 2D action RPG games I've played in years. Please finish this project. Thank you for your time.

Really well done, really polished! A fairly accurate and faithful recreation of Bloodborne, right down to its rally mechanic. This game has a lot of potential. Would be great to see some trick weapons implemented and boss AI could be a bit more challenging. I would definitely love to see more!

I think the next step should be to bring the game to mac too, but in the future it would also be nice to see it on old consoles like psp or psvita, and why not maybe even on mobile. GG Max

I made an update just now, you ought to be able to open the data.solarus file with the launcher linked at

¿How can a put the game in spanish?

(1 edit)

Max! Just wanted to say you've done a fantastic job done here. Well done!

I spent the last hour playing all the way through. The level of detail you've squeezed into this little 2D wonder is exceptional. The choice of SFX, enemy sprites, and overall mood are just spot on. A wonderful tribute to the original.

Hope you keep going with it and add more levels at some point :)

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the game is so good! I have just played with the boss.

And, I think I found a bug, please see this image. The hunter dipped into the fence and stuck. I caused this by charge attack to up direction on the position slightly upper than in the image, and was attacked by enemy that faces to down, the same time.

but also this is bloodborne glitch-like? ;)

Thanks for reporting, I'll get that spot patched up lol

the game is quite good it has good controls and the difficulty is good but oh yes now it has the but it could improve the intelligence of the enemies and add more animations to the bosses and more weapons could give you the hold of the hunter's ax that has the area attack but if the game has good potential keep it up

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